Skype Session with Friends Academy, New York

2016.6.2 [Language Center Blog] 教職員  担当: Sinéad O’ Connor


 This morning we talked with 12 American high school students on Skype! They are students at The Friends Academy. It's a mixed school, they have boys and girls, in Long Island, New York. Those students take a class called Asian Studies.


 At 7:30 am we called them. It was 6:30 pm in New York and they had just finished club activities. About 15 FGS students came to the Language Centre. They talked about school life, music,
American politics, and Japan.

 It was a lot of fun to watch our students laugh and talk with other teenagers in English. They seemed to really enjoy it!! We will have more Skype sessions with Friends Academy, and other schools in the future, so I'm looking forward to it. It's a great opportunity for everyone!!
 私たちの生徒が笑ったり、英語圏にいる他の10代と話したりしているのを見るのはとても楽しかったです。それらはとても楽しく思いました。もっとたくさんフレンドアカデミーの学生とスカイプで議論したいと思います。そして将来は他の学生ともスカイプで議論できたらと思うと、とても楽しみになります。それは皆さんにとっても良い機会です。 Translated by: H.S & M.T 中3