Skype with Objiway Heritage School, Canada
[Language Center Blog] 教職員
Sinéad O’ Connor
Recently, we talked to some elementary school students from Canada. They live on Shoal lake near Ontario. The students are all Objiway (First Nations) - in Japan there are Ryukyuan people, and in Canada there are Objiway people.
They asked some questions about life in Tokyo because they live in the country. They asked how we get to school because many of them take a boat across the lake to school. They told us about some of their problems - they can't drink the water because it's very dirty. Sometimes in winter the ice on the lake breaks and people fall in. It's dangerous.
They also performed a traditional dance for us - it was amazing. They were really beautiful and cute, and had really interesting things to say. Their school year has just finished, so hopefully next school year (from September) we can Skype with them again.
また、彼らは、伝統的な民族踊りも披露してくれました。それはとても素晴らしかったです。彼らは本当に美しく、かわいらしくて、とても興味深い話をしてくれました。彼らの学校では丁度最終学期が終わったそうなので、9月からの来学期にまたスカイプができることでしょう。 Translated by K.I 高3