Getting Married / 結婚します

2017.3.2 [Language Center Blog] 教職員  担当: Sinéad O’Connor

 On Christmas Day my brother, Domhnall, asked his girlfriend, Deborah, to marry him. She said yes!!


 I was really surprised and very happy for them. They have been dating for 4 years. My brother is 22 and his girlfriend is 28. They live together near my parents' house. This winter vacation I spent a lot of time with my brother and his girlfriend. I want to get to know her better. She is really funny and friendly so I feel happy to welcome her into our family. It's very exciting to see them plan their life together.

 Soon, my brother will go to police school in order to become a police officer. That's very exciting, too. I'm 9 years older than he is, and I feel that this is the first time seeing him as an adult. He has grown into a very respectable and hardworking man. I'm very proud of him. And I'm looking forward to seeing him build a life with Deborah.
もうすぐドーナルは警察学校を卒業し警察官になります。私はドーナルよりも9歳年上です。でも、私はその時初めて彼が大人になったのだなと実感しました。彼は勤勉で尊敬すべき人に成長しました。私は彼のことを誇りに思います。そして、ドーナルがデボラと生活をきずいていくのを楽しみにしています。 Translated by S.I 中3