Japanese food in America /

2018.1.10 [Language Center Blog] 教職員  担当: Daniel Stifler


 Hi from America! Today I went with my father and my son and daughter to a Japanese restaurant. I think you'd be surprised if you went to a Japanese restaurant in America. Some things are similar - the edamame tasted very good and the miso soup had tofu and wakame, just like in Japan - but the sushi is very different! I had a "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" roll. It had shrimp tempura, avocado, fish eggs, and lots of sauce! It was good, but I was surprised by how expensive it was - 1500 yen!


 Japanese food is very fashionable in the US. Everyone in the restaurant was super cool and well-dressed, but I don't think they've ever been to Japan!
アメリカにおいて、寿司はとてもファッショナブルだと思われています。和食レストランに行くときはみなオシャレをします。日本だとそのような事はしませんね。   Translated by H.M 高1