Building Connections / つながりをつくる

2022.10.13 [Language Center Blog] 教職員  担当: Sinead O’ Connor

 One of the things I really like about Friends School is the work our International Friendship Committee does. While the committee largely works independently, I do join them several times a year to support their work for overseas projects. Since the pandemic hit, many of their projects have had to be put on hiatus, but one we have been able to continue is our sponsorship of the education of children in developing countries. Of course it’s very important to gather donations and, as financially more fortunate people, to help support others. However, we also have a responsibility to show compassion and to learn more about the work we are funding. In the International friendship Committee, that takes the shape of letters and cards to the sponsored children throughout the year.

 In April when we get the information about who we are sponsoring the committee takes time to research the country and the issues faced there. They make a small profile of the country and the child to display for all students. Then they work on writing a letter to introduce themselves and the school, and to build a real human connection with those who come from a different walk of life to us. It’s been truly wonderful to see the faces of the students when they get a personalized reply from the students overseas. In the picture you can see some of the letters our committee members have written to this year. They also took, and printed out some photos of the school and Mita to send to the overseas students.



 4月に今年支援する里子についての情報を受け取ると、国際親善委員会は里子のいる国やその国が直面している問題について調べ、全校生徒へ掲示するための里子のプロフィールを作成します。次に、国際親善委員と普連土学園を紹介し、私たちとは異なる人生を歩んできた里子と本当の意味での人と人とのつながりを築くため、里子に手紙を書きます。個々に海外の学生たちからの返事を受け取った生徒たちの顔を見るのは本当に素晴らしいことです。写真は国際親善委員が今年書いた手紙で、さらに彼らは学校や三田の写真を撮り、プリントして里子たちへ送りました。    Translated by R.W 高3