A Guest from Kenya ケニアからのお客さま
[Language Center Blog] 教職員
Sinéad O’Connor
Last week on Tuesday we had a visitor to the school, Ms. Hirose. She is a JICA volunteer in Nairobi, Kenya. She works at the State House Girls School where she teaches computer studies and is head of the Japanese club.
The State House Girls School is similar to FGS - there are only girls, and they wear a uniform. The students who attend the school speak many different languages at home so at school they study everything through English only.
ヒロセさんの 勤めていらっしゃるケニアの学校は女の子しかいないところや制服があるところなど、普連土学園とよく似ています。その学校の生徒たちは家で数多くの言語を使っていますから、学校では英語だけで勉強しています。
In TEE class she answered lots of questions about education, poverty, corruption, and general life in Kenya. I was very happy that the TEE students had the chance to meet and talk with Ms. Hirose. They prepared well and asked many good questions.
Once she gets back to Kenya we will try to Skype with her and her Japanese club members.
ヒロセさんがケニアに帰られた後に、私いたちはケニアの日本語クラブの生徒とスカイプで話をするつもりです。Translated by K.S 中3