Tulip Festival in Gunma

2017.4.12 [Language Center Blog] 教職員  担当: Chancellor Milligan

 Hey, everyone! I hope that you are having a great week! I am really enjoying the beautiful weather. Last weekend, I went to a tulip festival at a flower park in Gunma. The weather was beautiful and I got to see some beautiful flowers. I also ate some delicious food! I had udon with fried veggies and an absolutely delicious chocolate sundae. A chocolate sundae is ice cream with chocolate syrup on top of it. It is really delicious and easy to make!


 The flower park also had a botanical garden! A botanical garden is a group of greenhouses where plants are grown for research and enjoyment. They had different themes for each of the greenhouses. They had a Brazilian themed one and a greenhouse that had plants from the Philippines. I loved looking at the different flowers!

 I hope that you enjoyed my photos! I had a really great trip, but I forgot to use sunscreen and got a bit of a sunburn on my head! Ouch! Have you ever been to a botanical garden? What's your favourite flower?