Nitobe Inazo / 新渡戸稲造

2017.12.6 [Language Center Blog] 教職員  担当: Sinéad O’Connor


 On Tuesday, we had a surprise visit from 3 American Quakers. Their names are Carolyn, Joe, and Wendy. Carolyn and Joe are married, and Wendy is Joe's sister. They are from Philadelphia in America. They were on vacation in Japan. They visited many different places in two weeks. They went to Nikko, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima, and also spent a lot of time in Tokyo.

火曜日、3人のアメリカ人のクエーカーが突然いらっしゃいました。彼らの名前は カロリン、ジョー、そしてウェンディといいます。カロリンとジョーは結婚していて、ウェンディはジョーの姉でした。3人はアメリカのフィラデルフィアの出身で、長期休暇を日本で過ごそうと訪れたのでした。彼らは2週間で日光、京都、大阪、広島に足を運び、そして多くの時間を東京で過ごしました。

 They wanted to visit us even though that day they were going back to America. Joe and Carolyn are volunteers for the Friends Committee for Education in Philadelphia so they wanted to know about education in Japan and at our school.
They also have a very cool connection to the school. Wendy and Joe are related to Inazo Nitobe's wife!! Inazo Nitobe was married to a woman named Mary Patterson Elkinton. Joe and Wendy are related to her. They wanted to come here because Inazo Nitobe was very important in making our school.

 I was very happy to meet them and to hear their stories about Esther Rhoads and her sister Elizabeth, and to hear about their connection to Inazo Nitobe. I hope they can come back again soon.
私は彼らに会い、エスター・ローズとその妹のエリザベスのこと、そして新渡戸稲造との繋がりについて聞くことができたことをとても嬉しく思いました。3人がまた訪ねてきてくれることを願っています。   Translated by Y.T 高2