English Challenge 2019

2019.12.3 [Language Center Blog] 教職員  担当: Sinéad O’ Connor

 Last weekend, we had English Challenge. It’s an English talent contest for 9th grade students. It’s always so heartwarming to see how many students make the effort to come to school on a Saturday to join a voluntary event. This year we had eight groups perform songs. They sang a variety of Disney songs and pop songs. It was great to see them choreograph dances or prepare little skits to build upon the story of the song. The writings this year were very interesting and funny. We had one comic that told the story of a doughnut that gets carried away by a large crow but survives. The other stories ranged from romance to mystery to historical fiction.
 I really love English Challenge because it’s a nice space for the students to show their creativity and English skills. I’m grateful to the students and teachers who help make this event fun.

今回の話題は11月16日(土)に行われた中三のEnglish Challengeです。このイベントは自由参加ですがたくさんの生徒が参加してくれました。今年のパフォーマンスはとても素晴らしく、本当に感動しました。グループごとに歌を歌ったり、漫画を披露したりとhigh qualityでした。English Challengeは英語を使ういい機会です。