Problems In Society

2019.11.22 [Language Center Blog] 教職員  担当: Sinéad O’ Connor


今回の話題は中三のEnglishの授業です。生徒たちが社会問題について考え発表します。topic を説明して、一緒に solution を考えました。とても良い時間でした。生徒たちは気候変動や、差別、貧困などをとりあげてくれました。

 This week in the 9th grade English class the students talked about a
problem in society they worry about.

 In the media we see articles or videos everyday talking about social problems but because these problems are scary we try to avoid them. It’s also easy to get overwhelmed by these problems and not know what to do. This class was an opportunity for students to share their worries, come up with solutions together and practice talking about difficult topics in their second language.

 Each student chose a problem to discuss with her partner. She explained the problems and then they shared some ideas on how to solve this problem at a local level. Students talked about climate change, poverty, war, discrimination and so on. I think it’s important for our students to apply their school-learned skills to real life issues and to prepare to be able able to talk with people from all over the world about these topics.