Nice to meet you, I’m Coma
/ はじめまして、私はコマです。

2023.6.29 [Language Center Blog] 留学生  担当: Coma Saenger (高2)

 Hey, I’m Cosima. But you can call me Coma if you like.
I’m an exchange student from Switzerland. I will stay in Japan till July. In my stay here I am attending “Friends School”. When I got to know my sorted school, I was a bit surprised to see that it’s a private school, and an all girls school. Since in Switzerland I am at a public & mixed school. I would say the school system is also very different from my home school.

 In the beginning I was a bit overwhelmed because I couldn’t speak or understand much Japanese. But now that I’m getting better at it, it’s easier to communicate with other students. Or also just to understand a little bit what the teachers say feel’s relieving. Because then I also know, that my Japanese has made progress. But sometimes when I’m outside it’s still a bit much, all written in Kanji (or mostly). But I think being in Tokyo is a good place, because many people can speak a little bit English, not like in places far away from Tokyo.

 Before I made my exchange year I always wanted to wear school uniforms, because I think they are really cute and then everyone is treated the same way (not depending on how they dress). Well, I still think that way about the uniforms, but not gonna lie, I am kind of excited again, to wear my clothes to school. Not because I don’t like the uniforms, but I think wearing them every day makes them a bit boring I think. And people on the streets know that you are a student because of the uniform. In my school in Switzerland we had no uniform. So we often went to shops, or the city after school. No one would say anything. But I think here people will maybe make opinions about you if you spend a lot of time outside after school with your uniform.
 But aside from school I think Tokyo is such a cool city to spend time in, just because of the variety of the things you can do here. Even though I’ve been here for half a year, there are always things which I haven’t seen or explored. And I think that’s really nice, because then I have a nice trip every other weekend.



 でも、学校以外で過ごすには、東京はとてもかっこいい街だと思います。東京に来て半年が経ちますが、まだ見たことのないもの、探索したことのないものが常にあります。そして隔週で旅行ができるのは、とても素敵です。  Translated by T.H 高2